Data Protection Declaration

The purpose of this Declaration is to inform the users of this website about the nature, scope, and purpose of the collection and processing of personal data by the operator of the website Business Center Veliko Tarnovo Ltd.

The website operator takes your data protection extremely seriously and will treat your personal information as confidential and in accordance with legal regulations. As new technologies and the continuous further development of this website may necessitate amendments to this Declaration, we recommend that you periodically review new versions.

Collection of Personal Data Business Center Veliko Tarnovo Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BCVT) conducts business operations exclusively with business clients and suppliers. In doing so, the collection of personal data of individuals is minimized. In the forms on our website, the entry of names is never mandatory, and when you enter an email or phone number, we prefer you to provide your business contact details.

Storage of Your Data Your data is stored in a reliable ERP system on servers located within the European Union. Data related to contractual relations is stored for the duration of the contract, as well as thereafter for the legally required period for keeping records of business transactions.

Sharing Your Data with Third Parties To provide our services to you, it may be necessary to share your data with third parties, such as:

  • Banks and payment systems through which we make or receive payments from individuals
  • Courier, transport, and logistics companies, subcontractors of our logistical operations
  • Accounting and auditing firms that, in performing their duties, gain access to our documentation
  • Subsidiaries and affiliated companies representing our business group, with whom we share information about clients and suppliers when they participate in our business operations.

We do not share your data with companies outside our business group for marketing purposes. We require all parties to whom we provide your personal data to comply with EU and Bulgarian legislation, just as we do.

Cookies Our website uses so-called "cookies." These are small text files that are loaded into your browser and stored on your end device.
The purpose of these "cookies" is to make our website more user-friendly.

If you do not want cookies, you can stop their storage by configuring your browser to notify you when a site wants to save "cookies" on your device. This way, you can determine which "cookies" to store and which not.

Online Services of Third Parties Some websites use services that may track your behavior on the Internet. These include, for example, traffic analysis tools, advertising platforms, or social media integrations. Currently, we do not use such external services on this site.

Newsletters Our website offers the possibility to subscribe to our newsletter. In every newsletter, there is a link at the bottom that allows you to remove your email from our list. If you later wish to re-subscribe, you can add your email through the buttons on our website.

Personal Data of Participants in Exhibitions Organized by BCVT Within the scope of exhibitions and events organized by Business Center Veliko Tarnovo Ltd. (BCVT), we collect and process personal data of participants to better plan and target future events. This includes, but is not limited to, the following categories of data:

  • Identification data: name, company position, company where you work;
  • Contact data: phone number, email address, postal address;
  • Interests and preferences: information about your professional interests and areas that are of interest to you in the context of the events.

Purpose of Data Collection and Processing This data is collected to:

  • Inform you about future exhibitions that may be of interest to you;
  • Adapt and improve the content of events according to participants' preferences;
  • Create opportunities for networking and collaboration among event participants.

Personal Data of Job Applicants at BCVT As part of the employee recruitment process, BCVT has a legitimate interest under Article 6, paragraph 1, letter "b" of the GDPR to collect and process personal data of job applicants. In connection with your job application at our company, we collect, store, and process the following categories of personal data:

  • Identification data, namely name, citizenship;
  • Contact data, including email, postal address, and phone number;
  • Information on education, skills, and professional experience (acquired qualifications, participation in training and courses, previous employers, job positions, and job description);
  • Information collected during interviews, such as notes taken by the interviewer and results from internal technical tests;
  • Other information that you consider relevant to your application for the respective position and have voluntarily provided in your CV, cover letter, and/or during interviews.

Important: During the recruitment process, BCVT does not collect or process personal data that falls under the category of "sensitive" data, namely personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs; membership in a trade union organization; genetic data, biometric data processed solely for the purpose of identifying you as a human being; health data; data on sexual life or sexual orientation. BCVT accepts applications submitted only through one of the following methods:

  • Through recruitment platforms, including web-based ones.
  • Via email - jobs [аt] bcvt.eu; BCVT does not accept or process applications submitted in a manner different from those listed above. BCVT does not store your personal data longer than necessary for the purposes of the recruitment procedure for the position you have applied for. In case your application is unsuccessful, your personal data will be deleted within 3 days after the notification regarding its status is sent by us.

If your application is successful and you are hired, the relevant personal data collected will be transferred to your personnel file in accordance with BCVT's data protection policies. Access to your personal data during recruitment can only be granted to:

  • The HR specialist responsible for recruitment;
  • The department manager for which you are applying, or an employee in the department responsible for the preliminary selection of candidates (a list of all managers can be found on BCVT's website);
  • BCVT's Data Protection Officer;
  • The manager of BCVT;
  • BCVT's system administrator;
  • Representatives of regulatory bodies or other authorities when there is a legal interest in doing so.

Storage and Sharing of Data Your data will be stored in our systems, which meet high data security standards, and will only be used for the purposes mentioned above. The data will not be shared with third parties outside our business group, unless necessary for fulfilling contractual obligations or with the consent of the participants.

Your Data Protection Rights You have the right to access your data that we process, as well as the right to correct, delete (the "right to be forgotten"), restrict processing, data portability, withdraw consent, and object.

This policy is current as of 01.01.2021. BCVT reserves the right to periodically update it to reflect changes in our data protection practices. For significant changes, we will notify you with a prominent note at the beginning of the Policy, indicating the date of the last update.

If you believe that our processing of your data violates data protection regulations or if you believe that your rights under these regulations have been violated in any way, please contact us. If our actions do not satisfy you, you can contact the competent administrative authority - the Commission for Personal Data Protection.

The data controller within the meaning of the data protection law and in particular under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is:

Business Center Veliko Tarnovo Ltd. Kozlodzha St. No. 1B 5000 Veliko Tarnovo Bulgaria Tel: 062 611-505 Email: gdpr [аt] bcvt.eu